The Makroko; 15 years in the prefabricated sector of industry experience, pre-engineered light steel structures, prefabricated buildings (homes, villas, construction sites, offices, social facilities), the container makes cab production and sales organization in domestic with rapid and successful design and serving customers abroad is an organization

A very short time, which had a big share in the market with products manufactured in Makroko;

Trained personnel keeping ahead of customer satisfaction with the professional infrastructure, high-quality products, working with leading suppliers in the industry to achieve, under the supervision of the time in professional teams to mount the production, offers high quality services affordable price ..

High-quality long-term by building trust and confidence with their customers' before the service providers with the appropriate price policy and aims to take forward the co ...

Mission :

The prefabricated building industry working in harmony with the environment, the emphasis on occupational health and safety, providing innovative and high quality of life values, prefabricated buildings originally designed to realize their projects, to be a company that provides healthy growth

Vision :

We have made our lives with each lasting, aesthetic and economic added value to the floor, ready to be the leader manufacturer of construction in our country and abroad.

Our Values:

Different Thinking Innovative Idea
Our permanent and Aesthetics in style
Team spirit
Efficiency and Stability